About David M Bird

Hi, I'm Dave.
I'm an artist, toy designer, and the creator of Becorns. I live in Rhode Island, USA, with my wife and two kids.

I remember when I was a kid, the world seemed full of magic and possibilities. Becorns is my effort to hold onto that feeling of wonder, no matter how old I get.
I began honing my skills to create Becorns long before I had the idea for them. I started my career as a toy designer at LEGO headquarters in Denmark.
There, I developed characters for a brand of buildable action figures called Bionicle.
I learned about character design and how to use storytelling to spark kids’ imaginations.

The Beginning of Becorns
Years later, I left LEGO to be closer to my family in the US.
One day I was sweeping my mom’s driveway, wondering if I’d ever find a job that was as fun as building characters out of Legos.
I looked down at the pile of acorns and sticks at my feet and the idea suddenly struck: I didn’t need Legos - I could build my own world entirely from natural materials.
I was completely captivated by the idea and devoted all of my free time to experimenting with every stick or seed that looked cool to me.

I treated Becorns as a private hobby for over ten years, while I worked as a toy designer. But in 2019 I started selling prints and sharing photos online. Here I am at my first local craft show.
My life’s dream has always been for my personal creative projects to support me financially. That dream came true in 2022 when a Becorn video went viral on Instagram. I was inundated with orders and in the space of a week, I quit my freelance toy design job, hired an assistant, and rented an office. It was a very busy week!
Since then, I’ve had lots of triumphs and challenges as the world of Becorns has grown.

What amazes me most about my creative journey is how it’s brought me closer to nature. In the beginning I was interested solely in building; I knew little about the plants and animals around me. But through Becorns, I’ve come to know so much about plants as I've hiked in search of materials, dissected plant parts, and even grown Becorn materials in my garden. I’ve become so much more aware of the complexities of the animals around me as well. And the more I learn, the more I stand in awe of these neighbors of mine.
I hope that when you see the prints displayed in your home, send a card to a friend, or watch the videos of my process, you can tap into the same feeling I had when I was a kid: that the world is full of magic and possibilities.
Here is one of my favorite Becorn projects for capturing that magic: